This database contains a 24h period of data sampled at 10 second intervals at all airports worldwide with a runway longer than 10,000ft.
It is updated three times per week: Tuesday (Sunday data), Thursday (Tuesday data), and Saturday (Thursday data)
Select the airport of interest from the dropdown list. Note that with the dropdown box focused (clicked), you can type the first letters of the ICAO code to jump to the airport of interest quickly.
The color of the dots represents the signal strength received - the darker the color, the weaker the signal. Signal levels > -25 dBFS are OK, lower is marginal. Note that for data feeds not providing signals strength, you'll see -49.5dB as the signal strength value. That doesn't mean there's poor coverage, just no signal strength available.
If you have the ability to run a receiver to improve coverage at one of the airports with poor coverage, please email for information on how to help!
If you're interested in an airport with a runway < 10,000ft length, send me an email to with its ICAO identifier and I'll include it in future reports
If your airport is missing from this list, it either doesn't have a runway > 10,000ft long, or it had no traffic at all.